Updated report concerning clinical issues of fluoroquinolone antibiotics toxicity, on behalf of these victims.

By Savely Yurkovsky, MD.


      As a follow through to my 25 page “Statement of Hope…” for fluoroquinolone victims, in October 2013, I deem it appropriate to share a brief summary of my observations and useful key clinical points following my treatment of several patients with this pathology, since that time.

      The total number of patients attended to has been five, thus far.

      As expected, based on my clinical observations and bio-resonance testing (refer to my October 2013 statement), all of these patients fell into a pattern of a complex multi-factorial chronic disease expanding far beyond a single cause – fluoroquinolones – and as all patients with chronic diseases, have been ill due to the combined morbid effect of total noxious causes. Among these are toxic environmental pollutants, such as: mercury, lead, arsenic, pesticides, herbicides, fluoride, cadmium, PCBs, solvents, formaldehyde, and petroleum.

      This is only a natural and inescapable consequence of our massively polluted world, where according to the CDC, EPA, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and other reputable sources, babies are already born with as many as 202 toxic chemicals in their cord blood, following which they are also subjected to numerous toxicants through mother’s breast milk also, and where an average adult carries over 100 toxic chemicals in his or her body. While this alarming data has been largely kept silent, most of these chemicals have already been firmly established as potent destroyers of immune, metabolic, vascular, endocrine, excretory, detoxifying, nervous, and other systems and pathways in the body.

      This is not to mention that our foods and public drinking water, besides toxic chemicals, also commonly contain residues of pharmaceutical drugs, including steroids, fluoroquinolones and other antibiotics. Due to these total noxious assaults our immune resistance becomes automatically compromised and multiple infectious diseases – parasitic, bacterial, viral, and fungal – become unavoidable, often requiring periodic courses of antibiotics including fluoroquinolones or steroids, and other potentially toxic drugs. Yet, not only do these infections commonly remain unresolved, but all antibiotics, and especially as powerful as fluoroquinolones, lead to even more and often destructive infections like candidiasis and other fungal infections, or antibiotic resistant bacteria.

      However, besides this, there are other collateral damage effects of fluoroquinolones that are far more sinister and fall under the radar of medical practitioners who recklessly bombard candidiasis with all sorts of drugs or ‘natural’ means. This involves the fact that gastrointestinal fungal and large parasitic organisms normally bind to toxic metals, such as mercury or lead, and may even deliver these into systemic circulation and internal organs. If this is not recognized and candidiasis is to be treated blindly, as it has usually been the case, horrendous side effects to be expected because following these bombardments, one often becomes severely intoxicated with released toxic metals. And I have witnessed too many of these through such blindfolded treatments. So, beware of these candida protocols and even strict diets and probiotics.

      Therefore, it was not a surprise to find in the bodies of all of these fluoroquinolone patients, both residues of these antibiotics, aggressive chronic infections, and multiple toxicological agents. Another common and very disturbing finding concerned energetic cellular imprints left by hazardous electromagnetic pollution in various organs, including the immune system, the brain, and other. In a way, we can consider a total disease as the combined effect of these groups of different noxious factors where each delivers its corresponding separate segment akin to an electronically programmed lock consisting of multi-segment code combination. Such locks constitute the very nature of any chronic disease under its surface, and that is why the great majority of all chronic diseases remain still incurable by both conventional and alternative medicine.

      To make matters even more serious, these different noxious morbid segments do not just reside in a static or frozen state in the body, but are always interconnected and interdependent between themselves and internal organs, with the total disease existing in a constant state of flux or shifting, as the body itself does. Thus, these different segments interact with and sustain one another on a continuous 24/7 basis, while others or more may unpredictably join in at any time forcing the body to shift into an even deeper state of illness. As an example, certain infections may lower important detoxifying enzymes against chemicals and toxic metals, leading to further overload of the liver and other metabolic detoxifying systems, weaken the immune or excretory systems. EMF can also do this directly, alone and also by interacting with the toxic chemicals and metals stored within the body thereby leading to cancer, as documented already by scientific research. All of these factors may seriously impair the body’s capacity to detoxify fluoroquinolones.

      In their turn, fluoroquinolones and other antibiotics residing in the body sustain systemic candida and other fungal infections which can often be very aggressive, destructive, and impair resistance against other infections — viral, bacterial, and parasitic — in the process. Infections lead to chronic systemic inflammation and the latter, being a metabolic electric process, may enhance sensitivity to EMF. The latter can block or impair the excretion of environmental pollutants even further, which further suppresses the immune and detoxifying systems. All of these lead to the inability to properly metabolize fluoroquinolones or other poisons, and there is no end to this truly mad and feeding on itself self-sustained cycle of misery and disease, unless one is aware of how to properly diagnose it and effectively intervene.

      That is why once these and other important factors are taken into consideration, as they must be, a seemingly ‘single’ problem of just fluoroquinolone toxicity alone does not seem as single as it is still being viewed, even though it may be true that many of these victims were in a functioning category even while holding jobs, etc., prior to consuming these undoubtedly toxic drugs. Be aware that many patients who were suddenly diagnosed with such serious diseases as cancer, stroke, heart attack, multiple sclerosis, leukemia, Parkinson’s, and other, were seemingly functioning well too, prior to their diagnosis, but does this mean they were in good health?

      Therefore, and inescapably, every chronic disease represents not just ‘this thing’ or a named label disease – Lyme, multiple sclerosis, cancer, or FLQ toxicity – but always combined and intertwined layers or segments of multiple morbid causes, including genetic vulnerability or predisposition to any segment, and disease. Furthermore, in every individual person a chain of these morbid segments constitutes a virtual individual lock code where these segments are lined up in different sequences, with each segment being of different depths or gravity, and each lock being of a different length. In addition, each segment usually interacts with other toxic segments in that patient’s own individual way too. The end result is every patient’s own combination lock and code with his or her own level of sensitivity or vulnerability. These are the exact reasons why some people do not become as ill from fluoroquinolones, Lyme, chemicals, or even the flu and the common cold, or other noxious factors as do others. All of these require a different priority level and its corresponding sequence in treatment according to each individual patient.

      Here is an illustration to this concerning the global nature of FLQ toxicity as a global chronic disease:

GP-EP-AF-EMF-FLQ-DTSE-CD-OAB-LSCI-OI-PE-MF-RSEPT-LI-RHR-SCV-OPMS – each an exact sequence. All these symbols equal their order in the ‘lock’.


      GP = genetic predisposition, EP = environmental pollutants, AF = age factor, EMF = electromagnetic fields, FLQ = fluoroquinolones, DTSE = direct toxic side effects, CD = collateral damage, OAB = other antibiotics, LSCI = localized and systemic candidiasis infections, OI = other infections, PE = patient environment, MF = mercury fillings, RSEPT = residual side effects of prior treatments, both conventional and alternative, LI = length of illness, RHR = residual health reserve, SCV = state of current vulnerability to these and other morbid factors, OPMS = other possible morbid segments.

      As an important reminder, the lock is highly prone to fluxes and shifts which can be induced by a variety of factors singularly or combined: bad foods, leaky mercury fillings, EMF, ‘natural’ supplements or alternative treatments, side effects of conventional medications, stressful events, overwork, or simply due to the ongoing aging process.

      That is why it is crucial for optimization of the efficacy of the treatment – homeopathic remedies – to address most of these morbid segments, including a grossly underappreciated reduction in EMF stress, and a timely initiation of treatment without undue delays before any significant shifts in a person’s body occurs. Likewise, other aforementioned potentially interfering negative factors be avoided or controlled as much as possible. All of these are not doctor or remedies but are patient dependent.

      Therefore it is necessary to add the patient compliance factor – PCF – as another important segment of the lock:


      That is why this illustration serves to better explain why it is difficult and even impossible for me to answer a seemingly simple and quite legitimate patient’s question, “Doctor, how long will it take for me to feel better, or to feel well, to get rid of my condition?” The best answer is: “It will take as long as it takes for both of us to properly address, mitigate, solve, or account for all of these morbid segments.”

      That is why even as we have produced many dramatic responses in a great variety of chronic diseases following just the first few treatments, we did hear some patients stating at times, “I feel discouraged doctor.” Fortunately, most of the time when these patients would stick through it, they become the most devoted supporters of FCT, as their disease lock would become unlocked soon after. There is a rough rule of thumb, however, that the shorter the length of time one has ill health, the sooner one recovers, with proper patient compliance. This is as obvious as travelling for years in the wrong direction and then wanting to come back in the same vehicle a few weeks after.

      Another big reason not to sprint to dramatic results at all costs is because one is delving into a real wasp’s nest while removing and addressing and automatically stirring up most of these hazardous segments in the process. Safety of the treatment or physician’s attempt – do no harm – comes first. That is why even though many medical practitioners, especially in alternative medicine, may identify correctly some of these segments and offer ‘this for that’ or ‘that for this’ treatments, the usual outcome is not the disappearance of ‘this or that’, but instead a severe aggravation after blindly stirring up this proverbial can of worms. Here is a very edifying, and typical these days, experience of a patient where every doctor, conventional and alternative, poked some morbid segment while unleashing others. This patient was also treated by me for residual fluoroquinolone toxicity and side effects.

To Whom It May Concern,

      As a patient of Dr Savely Yurkovsky, I am happy to validate a medical model that seems to have no parallel, either in the allopathic or alternative medicine arena.

      Field Control Therapy has brought hope to some of the most complex and difficult to treat patients as it systematically strengthens detoxes and repairs the multiple-body systems that are ravaged by chronic illness.

      For me, it has saved my life and is offering me the possibility of a productive future. I have been ill, probably since childhood, but seriously for the last 14 years. My condition baffled every expert I consulted globally at in excess of a ‘modestly’ estimated £100,000 on top of some £100,000 paid by my health insurance coverage ($260,000 total). My twin sister, who has the same malaise, also spent the equivalent of this in an epic quest for wellness without reprieve.

      We sold houses, borrowed from friends and were forced to exist for years on welfare. My livelihood as a journalist was destroyed whilst relationships with family, friends and colleagues all faltered. Eventually, I became so sensitive and inflamed all over from the mold in my house in Edinburgh where I lived, I screamed every day for two years and was forced to sleep outside in the garden – I considered suicide daily.

      I was in burning pain throughout my body, I couldn’t digest my food, I developed sores all over my face, my fatigue was unbearable, I had bone and muscle pain and my hormones were so messed up I had to have two blood transfusions from huge menstrual loss. Anxiety was through the roof; I suffered major cognitive impairment and became seriously depressed.

      The condition was variously diagnosed as myalgic encephalomyelitis, chronic fatigue syndrome, Lyme disease, candida, mold poisoning, mercury toxicity, energetic disturbance, anemia, endocrine disorder, fibromyalgia, anxiety and depression and panic disorder.

      Mainstream doctors who could not manage it dismissed it as mental illness and prescribed psychiatric medications or antibiotics that made things worse whilst alternative practitioners threw tens of thousands of pounds worth of vitamins and supplements, herbal and homeopathic remedies, acupuncture sessions and every kind of energetic modality at the illness. Many of these interventions made the condition worse. Both my physical and financial health foundered dangerously.

      Eventually, I reached Dr Yurkovsky and despite his insistence that I could still heal from a condition that had virtually destroyed me, I was skeptical. With homeopathic remedies that mainstream science refuses to validate and a program that involved avoiding electro-magnetic field I began to see healing.

      It was erratic at first and I did undergo some healing reactions but as each month has gone by I have started to see that we are peeling through a large onion as my health spirals upwards and improves month on month.

      As a journalist with an enquiring mind but more in the capacity of a patient I felt compelled to speak to others who had recovered robust health using this method.

      I spoke to one patient of Dr. Yurkovsky’s in Glasgow who described himself as ‘virtually dead’ from the same baffling complex of symptoms that I was experiencing. After 27 months, while making strides in the process, he now fully has his life back. It was a long slog but he says he has better health than he could ever have imagined. Another patient (of Dr. Yurkovsky’s whom I have interviewed for my article about his medical method to publish in the New York Times) who lives in the United States also had her life and that of her family curtailed by inexplicable illness that had been resistant to every intervention. They spent a six digit figure on other conventional and mainly alternative treatments without any results. Her children also suffered from anorexia, fatigue, and behavioral problems that defied treatments. All have now recovered robust health using FCT, the method that Dr. Yurkovsky developed.

      Dr Yurkovsky is a modest practitioner whose foundational training in allopathic medicine had limited effect on the recovery of his most challenging patients and he was forced to investigate and choose from alternative medicine only where he saw the most potential.

      FCT or Field Control Therapy, a new paradigm for recovery, has had a life-affirming, often life-saving relevance to numerous lost causes that otherwise would have faced ongoing tragedy.

      Having to subject myself to a self-imposed exile from my town and country, due to incurable severe sensitivity to molds and feeling hopeless about returning there to my family and friends, yet, only 10 months following Dr. Yurkovsky’s treatment, I am back home, and barely aware that molds exist.

Ms. JW

      You may find more details of her tragic medical ordeal in my Webinar #12, Case 3 at https://www.yurkovsky.com/webinar-001/webinar-012/, which is part of my training program for medical practitioners.

      Only in the light of this all the information above that one can better evaluate and understand the clinical course of the 5 aforementioned fluoroquinolone patients whom I have treated so far. Here is their brief account:

Patients #1 & #2 – The morbid segments are long and deep, yet compliance – poor. Patient #1, only several visits; patient #2 just two. Clinical response, none so far.

Patient #3 – The segments were in a state that I would consider to be within a more favorable range, and with a good potential for a shorter and successful treatment. The patient came in only once, with a great deal of doubt, refused to learn more about the essence of this approach and stated of having other priorities ahead of this treatment. Not seen since.

Patient #4 – The segments are shorter and shallower, very sick but good residual health reserve, was sick for months, not for years. Compliance – excellent. Response – all of the symptoms of fluoroquinolone toxicity have resolved after a single treatment. This response also supports my corresponding point, in the October, 2013 “Statement of Hope…” that homeopathy does carry a unique and effective therapeutic property when properly applied, using homeopathic anti-poisons/antidotes – prepared from actual corresponding poisons. In this case, it was a fluoroquinolone antidote, along with others.

Patient #5 – The segments are longer and deeper, compliance is excellent, only several treatments undertaken by now. Prognosis is viewed as very good.

      The experience with fluoroquinolone poisons, as with many poisons, has confirmed that if in some patients a poison may reside only in one organ and in one layer, but in others this may involve multiple organs and multiple layers. The latter, naturally, requires more treatments.

      There is something to be said about one of the essential part of this treatment –protection against EMF, and drastic reduction to EMF exposure for a few days during consumption of the remedies and longer, if possible, for those who do not have to work on weekdays.

      What is to be said here, mainly, are the ‘common sense’ complaints of some patients, such as: “Doctor, it is so hard to stay away from the TV”, or, “from my computer”, “I have to watch my favorite program”, or, “check the news on the internet”, or “check my email”, “I feel very isolated without these”, or, “without seeing my friends or relatives for a week or two.” Let me make a ‘sinner’s confession’ by admitting that even though I can definitely relate to the reasons for such complaints, but on the whole, I do not fell on the verge of shedding tears over such ‘deprivations’. Furthermore, I find them to be artificially or self-made deprivations, e.g., due to strong self-convictions, rather than representing real suffering or deprivation, even in spite of societal ‘common sense’ in favor of. Concerning the latter, we should be reminded of Einstein’s quote, “Common sense usually represents a set of prejudices that society imposes upon its members by the age of 18, for life.”

      I, fortunately, was born and raised in a country that, back then, and this is still the case with most of the world, where human sufferings and depravations were of a different sort. Among these: shortage of food and clothing, the absence of basic housing conveniences, such as central heating and even running water. In addition, people were imprisoned, sent to hard labor camps where they were beaten, tortured, frozen even to death in harsh winters, starved, raped, or vanished without a trace, executed without trial, separated from their spouses, children, and families for decades or forever, all without even committing crimes.

      This is not even to mention that there has not been a single documented case of depression or suicide over millennia-long history of mankind, due to the absence of TV, internet, iPhones, or even landline phones, prior to this electronic era.

      So, speaking of my lack of compassion towards such electronic ‘deprivations’, I can only state in my ‘defense’ that I feel far more compassion over political prisoners being tortured around the world, starving children of Africa, enslaved women and kidnapped children who are sexually exploited or tortured in thousands of prostitution joints around the world. Even in the United States, 48 million people go to bed hungry, every night.

      Likewise, did you see children dying from brain tumors or leukemia in cancer wards? Did you look in the eyes of their parents? Do you still feel so deprived, or suffering from not looking at electronic boxes for just a few days? Another good reason for you to get over these ‘deprivations’ is that the chances are very high that without these short term ‘deprivations’, the rest of your life will remain one continuous or big and long utter deprivation, due to chronic illness. It is because of the obvious fact of human physiology that sick bodies and brains are not particularly prone to experience much happiness, joy, or fun in life. This, usually, is as mutually exclusive as being in pain and wanting to laugh at the same time.

      Another relevant and practical point here is that there is no other medicine or approach that I have ever heard of, where this ‘deprivation’ or protection against EMF can be ignored or avoided successfully, it is actually just the opposite. It is only to the detriment of those patients – due to lack of awareness of their alternative practitioners – that numerous and very serious side effects were encountered as a consequence of their treatments: ‘detoxes’, chelations, some homeopathics, and many other ‘natural’ interventions which ignored EMF pollution as a factor. Ignoring this factor is a major reason for so many of the side-effects from these treatments that the patient in the aforementioned testimonial had to endure.

      So, hopefully, many of you will take a different view of what deprivation really is.

Conclusion & Recommendations

      It would seem prudent to engage in this treatment process, only with keeping in mind all of the aforementioned key points concerning combinations of segments and the individual nature of FLQ toxicity as a total chronic disease. Even if the resources for a legitimate clinical study become available someday, I would still discourage any individual with the mindset of seeking a ‘quick fix’ from engaging in it.

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The statement of Savely Yurkovsky, MD, of February 21st, 2014, in relation to a study posted recently by Dr. Joe King: Fluoroquinolone Research Momentum Builds, Phase II in Preparation Fluoroquinolone DNA-Adduct Testing Project Results

In summary, the aforementioned study alleges adherence of fluoroquinolone antibiotics to human DNA.


Issue #1: Was this study correctly performed and are these results valid & legitimate?

         Such a question cannot be answered unless any scientific study is found valid by a legitimate peer review process that normally requires publication in legitimate scientific peer reviewed media.  In this case, such scientific scrutiny is absent.  Giving this study the benefit of the doubt, it would certainly add some validity to the congruence of this study if Dr. King, instead of using very general and seemingly impressive statements referring to the scientists involved as “national and international”, would share their exact names and professional credentials, as well as the laboratory, or laboratories, where this experiment took place, however, Dr. King did not divulge this information, either.

Issue #2: What was the actual concrete and practical, clinical-medical benefit to all fluoroquinolone victims of this study, assuming it is 100% valid?

         The reason for this question is the following.  Our medicine, for the last 100 years, has accrued literally millions of scientific findings, including within the sciences of molecular biology and genetics, concerning the widest variety of chronic diseases.  This process has involved hundreds of thousands, if not more, scientific studies and has consumed many trillions of dollars.  However, to date, not a single cure for a single chronic disease has been found through any of these studies.

         A good question to ask, before we indulge in any further studies concerning fluoroquinolone toxicity or other medical pathologies, is: why has medical research failed to materialize into actual solutions at the patient’s bedside?

         Scientific research, in any field of science, can only lead to the solutions for complex problems when reductionistic findings, or findings concerning parts, e.g., molecular biology, genetics, pathology, toxicology, etc., can be successfully assembled into effective general theory or strategy that is capable of putting these findings to productive use.  This is exactly how working technologies, such as motor vehicles, computers, or televisions become successfully assembled.  Otherwise, isolated parts, per se, cannot and will not function.  However, the most fundamental problem with medicine, and its research, has been that such successful theories or assemblies have never materialized.

Here are just a few quotes from a prestigious medical academician and scientist: “Even papers in immunology or cell biology mystify me – and so do some papers in my own field, neurobiology. Every day my expertise seems to get narrower.  I can’t grasp much of immunology even though I have a fancy Ph.D., but the wonderful thing is that most immunologists can’t either.”  Stuart Firestein, PhD., a professor and Chairman of Biological Sciences at Columbia University (Scientific American, April 2012).

         Professor Firestein also stated that while the media impresses the public with new scientific discoveries it often avoids discussing their true meaning or their ability to solve problems and that most of these discoveries end up being just, “piles of facts in which scientists and educators should stop trafficking!”

         Another quote: “Medicine has miserably failed in the cure of chronic diseases because it has relied too much on scientific findings.” Professor of medicine, Colin Alexander, MD, book author of “Complexity in Medicine: The Elephant in the Waiting Room”.

From these quotes alone, it is evident that I am not saying anything new here, but in relation to this study which has produced some scientific findings, we are forced to ask Dr. King some legitimate and very practical questions on behalf of the victims of fluoroquinolone toxicity and we would appreciate if Dr. King could answer these questions, on this forum, on behalf of these victims.

Question #1: In general, how did this study result in a working ‘television’ or ‘computer’ for fluoroquinolone victims?

Question #2: What is your concrete plan for the fluoroquinolone victims, that can alleviate their suffering now, today, based on this study?

Question #3: Provided that these results are correct, that these victims’ DNA has become altered by fluoroquinolones, can their DNA or genes be replaced, today?

         I ask this because, to the best of my knowledge, genetic scientists are unable to carry out such a procedure.  When and if ever they will be able to remains completely unknown at this time.  Furthermore, upon consulting the work of one of the most prominent geneticists in the world, such as Aubrey Milunsky, M.D., D.Sc., F.R.C.P., F.A.C.M.G., D.C.H., Founder and Co-Director, Center for Human Genetics, Inc., and him directly, I learned that even if such a procedure was already available, there are further arduous hurdles which geneticists must overcome.

         Among them are: how to control these newly implanted strands of DNA and genes, and prevent these from producing new and abnormal proteins, which could lead to cancerous tumors or other pathological cell growth.

Question #4: Following the findings of this questionable study, where we already knew previously that fluoroquinolones were very bad, toxic and poisonous, how has this study changed our overall practical knowledge of quinolones as being very bad, toxic and poisonous, besides adding another detail to the fact that quinolones are very bad, toxic, and poisonous?

Question #5: What exactly do you propose concerning this study, to collect more money, to extend or conduct another study?  If yes, why?

Question #6: Did you find anything wrong with my “Statement of Hope to Fluoroquinolone Victims”, posted in October of 2013, which offered them a concrete, highly and generally effective in my medical practice method to evaluate and treat these victims?

I am looking forward to your response.

Savely Yurkovsky, MD
37 King Street
Chappaqua, NY 10514
ph:   (914) 861-9161
Fax: (914) 861-9160

Please click here to download a printable version of Dr. Yurkovsky’s above letter.


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A Statement of Hope, Indeed, to Fluoroquinolones’ Victims

A Statement of Hope, Indeed, to Fluoroquinolones’ Victims
By Savely Yurkovsky, M.D.
Re: Comments to First Post by J. King.

Dear Professor J. King, other scientists, medical professionals and all victims of fluoroquinolones,

I have learned of so many of these victims just recently, after seeing one of you in my office.  Even while recognizing the gravity of this condition, I have strongly disagreed with the prevailing view of this blog: ‘no way out of this’.  Yet, I hesitated to share my envisioned solution here, lest I appear as some ‘alternative opportunist’ who seeks business.

However, after this patient shared with me Professor J. King’s, ‘First Post’ on this blog, and the fact that some of these victims have committed suicide, while others are considering this, I’ve decided to speak my mind on the issue.  At least between Professor King, other medical or science professionals, and participants on this blog (as Todd R. Plumb, M.D. and others), I feel that the lay people in this group will have qualified advocates who can, as I invite to, challenge my approach to fluoroquinolone poisoning.

The real subject to be addressed here, does cover, yet extends far beyond the fluoroquinolone poisoning.  It includes catastrophic flaws in our medical system, the system that has produced this poison.

When President Clinton in the 90’s received an alarming report that some million Americans die annually or become severely damaged by medical treatments, his correct response was, “It must be because of a bad system, rather than just bad people.”  He was absolutely correct.  In fact, this year, the Scientific American journal has correctly defined our health care system as “alarmingly dysfunctional”, and likewise, concerned medical scientists and doctors throughout the years.  Yet, a serious analysis of the reasons for this alarming dysfunction never occurred and, as a result, it continues to fail billions of people worldwide, and damage many, like all of you.

I will highlight only a few main flaws of this system, including alternative medicine, to better understand fluoroquinolone poisoning; otherwise we will seek its solution, as Einstein said, through the same manner of thinking that created the problem in the first place.

Please click here to download Dr. Yurkovsky’s full letter addressing this issue in further detail.


Posted in FCT, Field Control Therapy | 1 Comment

Is a gluten & casein-free diet an answer to autism or ADHD ?

Is a gluten & casein-free diet an answer to autism or ADHD ?

A gluten- and casein-free diet is as much of an answer to autism and ADHD as a band aid that is soaked in antiseptic, and blood-clotting solution is an answer to a bullet that causes infection and bleeding in the body.

So, if one looks at some symptomatic improvement in both situations, autism and the bullet, and is happy to report it, there is nothing wrong with this, per se.  However, if one assumes, in the process, that something of essence has been accomplished in autism, ADHD or in the overall health of this child, one has made the wrong assumption.  The distributors of this and other diets often convey an impression that there is something fundamental or genetically sinister about these proteins – gluten and casein or other foods such as soy, corn, etc. – and, therefore, these and other diets are presented as some big answers to autism and chronic diseases.  As “proof” to this, autism and other diseases do seem aggravated by allergic foods.  However, in spite of the fact that these aggravations are formally correct, such an approach to chronic diseases is wrong because it confuses the trigger and the cause of disease.  In practically 100% of all cases with allergens triggering any chronic disease, allergens are never the cause of autism or any other disease.  Furthermore, the preoccupation with allergens detracts from the search for the ‘bullets’ – the true causes of disease – which  by remaining in the body will inevitably continue causing further damage and destruction and, thus, leading to more advanced and more diseases. That is why avoiding triggers leads to neither substantial nor long-lasting progress. And that is why once the diet is broken, even if on few occasions, whichever the symptoms that seemed to have been subdued in autism and other diseases rebound viciously.  In addition, even if the diets are maintained religiously, new triggers find their victim, anyway.   That is why I have seen multitudes of patients who started out with excluding just 3-4 allergic foods from their diets and who have subsequently ended up becoming allergic to so many foods that they were down to only 3-4 foods, total.  That is because that the bullets or the causes of allergies have remained in the body and kept eating it away as the disease and overall health worsened.  So, the bottom line is don’t chase triggers, but pursue the bullets, instead.

What are these bullets in the case of gluten and casein in autism or in all food allergies, in general, and how to and how not to go about identifying and addressing these?

These “bullets” are primarily toxicological agents such as mercury, lead, methyl mercury, pesticides and a few others as well as gastrointestinal infections such as parasitic, yeast, and, sometimes, bacterial infections also.  The best way to misdiagnose these is to do exactly what most of the alternative practitioners do – that is, to order blood, stool and other lab tests.  (Conventional doctors are even out of the equation here because they act as if their patients are immune to these toxicants or infections and that is why they hardly ever look for these.)

The main reason why blood, stool and other lab tests are unreliable is because their detection ability is very low.  And even if a blood test confirms allergy to gluten or casein it is not worth subjecting your child to being stuck with needles because the blood test, even if positive, cannot tell what symptoms these or other foods or nonfood allergens will or will not trigger.  This, one can establish simply by avoidance or observation.

As far as stoolis concerned for gastrointestinal infections, in order for these tests to be positive, a sufficient and large number of infectious organisms or parasitic eggs must show up in the specimen on the day of collection. This rarely happens because these infectious agents may not be present in sufficient numbers on the intestinal surface itself but burrow inside it where they become undetectable to stool tests.  And even if stool or lab tests catch one or two infections this does not mean that the tests did not overlook other infectious agents at the same time. It is often, that these other infections are the ones which cause most of the allergies and the notorious leaky gut which are commonly present in autism and other chronic diseases.

Of course, this is not anything that a diagnostic lab will share readily with a doctor or a doctor with you. As a result, most of the time, the lab tests end up misleading instead of leading. This, as many other important facts in medicine remains “classified”, i.e., not for patients’ ears.  Besides, even if and when these infections become partially detected, the pharmaceutical treatments for these with using drugs or “natural treatments” can often be worse than the infections themselves.  The reason for this we explain in the DVD, Autism –A curable diseasethat also explains why any chronic infections remain incurable whether in autism or Lyme disease or other as long as toxicological and other agents mentioned in the DVD continue causing the state of immunosuppression in the body.  Concerning heavy metals and other toxicants, both lab and chelators/detoxifiers are not capable of properly addressing these either.  Instead, the chelators can cause unpredictable and even worse toxic effects than the metals themselves.  This is also reflected in the DVD, Autism – A curable diseaseand in my article Chelators of Mercury, Lead and Other Heavy Metals: Theoretical Benefits, Suboptimal Results and Real Dangers.  The Implications for Autism, Other Brain- and Somatic Diseases.  (This article, even in spite of being supported by scientific references, has been rejected for publication by several alternative medical peer review journals.  Certainly, it flies in the face of their editorial staff which tries to dress up the store window of alternative medicine as “natural”, “progressive” and harmless.  The reader may also find the DVD, The power of missing knowledge:  An explanation for the failures of conventional and alternative medicine in chronic and degenerative diseases.  An introduction to FCTâ as very edifying as it explains why terminology as “natural”, “progressive” or “harmless” belongs rather to the territory of fairy tales or naïve assumptions, rather than to the real facts or factual science.)

The main diagnostic tool that I use and that overcomes all of the lab hurdles and omissions is – bioresonance testing. This noninvasive test that is capable of tuning into gastrointestinal and any other organs energetically and completely pain free is ideal for children and adults, also.  This is particularly the case for children with autism wh have been through the proverbial mills of tests.

Homeopathic treatment that begins with the removal of the immunosuppressive agents and residues of antibiotics or side-effects of vaccines, the necessary requirements without which all infections are doomed to chronicity, treats these infections very effectively.  As the rule, “genetic” gluten and casein and other food allergies disappear. Following the treatment course, children or adults consume formerly allergic foods without untoward reactions.

For more details and viewing presentations of cured children from autism go to Autism – A curable disease.



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My first Blog post

Dr. Yurkovsky’s Blog.  Start Entries

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