
Important Notice:
We strongly advise anyone who is seeking referrals to qualified FCT practitioners to contact our office and no other office for the relevant information. Unfortunately, we continue to encounter incidences where practitioners with very limited training and skills in FCT improperly claim to be sufficiently qualified.
Solving Epidemics of Lyme and Other Vector-Borne Infections through the Immune System
Overcoming Antibiotic Resistance Through a Different Paradigm Documented Cases of Resolved Pneumonia and H. Pylori Infection without the use of Antibiotics
Can Energetic Vaccines, Based on Physics, be the Sound Options for COVID-19 and Other Pandemics in the Absence of Pharmaceutical Vaccines?
Biological, Chemical and Nuclear Warfare:

Protecting Yourself and Your Loved Ones: The Power of Digital Medicine by Savely Yurkovsky, M.D

Endorsed by leading scientists and health professionals including those from Columbia and Stanford universities Foreword by William A. Tiller, Professor Emeritus of Materials Science,Stanford University(280p, ppb)


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These groundbreaking video courses will change the way you view, treat diseases and practice medicine.

For a limited time only – Special FCT Offer

“I am looking forward to your newest DVDs and have found your other DVD sets to be immensely groundbreaking. FCT has transformed my life.”

“Your FCT is all the way kept in my mind as I kept watching and taking the notes for many hours and pages. It is one of the most effective ways of practicing and you are the first one to have taught it so clear in a scientific way of thinking.”
“World class practitioner allowing us to all benefit from his system.”
“Worthy of the Nobel Prize in Medicine.”

1. Video program: The Extremely Complex Hidden Nature of Chronic Disease and Proper Bio-Resonance Testing, as the Only Key to Unlock It $295

“You cannot imagine how excited I am in learning and practicing FCT under Dr. Yurkovsky’s guidance. I have been reading, studying and listening to the concepts at least 4+ hours/daytrying to absorb as much as possible before the seminar. After more than 40+ years in the CAM field, I feel I have finally come home. As the saying goes, ‘When the student is ready, the teacher will come.’”

2. Video program: Basic DVD Course $225

“As I am watching the 2004 Basic seminar… it is terrific!”

“I am completely replacing my current method of treatment with FCT. I have been a student of “functional medicine” for years and have never truly gotten the long-term result in patients that I expected. While watching the Basic FCT Seminar I knew FCT is what I have been searching for. Thanks again!”

3. Video program: FCT 2018 $295

“I thought you might enjoy seeing the email I received from my client yesterday. It really speaks to how attending your seminar and applying the concepts we learned is already yielding positive results. Clients are feeling better, which is the whole point of what we do!”

Total Regular Price, $815 minus $220 Special discount = $595 + Shipping

Click Here to download the Video Courses Order Form

FCT 3 Program Special Offer on DVD
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FCT 3 Program Special Offer on USB
$40 Shipping

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