Scientific Tenets

Scientific Tenets of FCT®

Albert Einstein - All matter is energy fields

1. Physics is recognized as the pre-eminent science of all in the hierarchy of sciences.

2. TThe laws of physics apply to every natural or man-made system. They equally apply to living systems, too.

3. According to physics, matter constitutes the building blocks of any system.

4. Matter itself represents a dual state, one of mass and one of energy and, strictly speaking, even mass is viewed in essence as condensed energy. The energetic domain is accepted as most fundamental as the physico-chemical properties of matter are determined by energetic states of the subatomic particles of which all matter is composed. That is why any form of matter, as we see it, is considered to be a physical expression of a corresponding state of its energy field.

5. The energetic states, according to one of the key theories of quantum physics, Quantum electro-dynamics, determine the fate of chemical reactions.

6. Our entire body chemistry and physiology are governed by energetic field-code recognition patterns. These codes are unique for every cellular or biochemical component: cell structures and receptors, hormones and enzymes, neurotransmitters and immune modulators and others.

7. Hence, our body chemistry is a field-assisted phenomenon and is amenable to true healing only through precise energetic interventions.

8. Our health is sustained when these codes and fields remain intact and interact with one another in energetically coherent and efficient regimen. This leads to the maintenance of an optimum homeostasis with maximum performance at minimum energy losses.

9. A proper amount of energy is required to carry out these processes and maintain health and life itself.

10. The very process of senescence and death itself represent, correspondingly, states of progressive and then absolute energetic depletion.

11. Because Man possesses properties of open systems, he is always vulnerable to an impact of the numerous pernicious factors: toxicological or biological agents, physical and emotional assaults, impacts of faulty lifestyle, and many others. Some of these factors are acquired even in-utero in addition to genetic infirmities.

12. A state of disease is being induced when the pernicious factors succeed in disrupting normal energetic codes and fields of the cellular structures. This leads to disturbed signaling patterns and loss of energetic coherence that, in turn, hinders body chemistry.

13. Given the fact that living systems obey the laws of thermodynamics, the energetic incoherence leads unavoidably to an increase in enthropy — a state which hinders the ability of systems to conduct useful work or maintain proper memory for normal physiological patterns. This sets the stage for inefficient energy balance whereby energetic losses and gains to maintain homeostasis operate at a disadvantageous regimen. Inevitably this cascades downwards to body chemistry and structure as chronic degenerative diseases ensue and advance

The majority of alternative medical approaches exercise conceptually similar pursuits.

14. Due to the semi-conducting properties of the biological tissues, intercommunication pathways (acupuncture meridians, ground regulation reflex network, body holographic phenomenon, etc.) and direct field phenomenon, pathological information tends to extend beyond the local tissue/organ structure, and often cause more systemic untoward impacts.

15.It is noteworthy that, irrespective of a given modern disease nomenclature that flawed understanding of diseases according to the limited investigative tools, one can hardly find an illness whose picture would not also be produced by a known environmental pollutant(s) or a biological agent(s) or a combination of thereof.

Furthermore, many of these agents are known to insidiously invade multiple organs and systems, commonly creating a picture of “different” d-i-s-e-a-s-e-s of “different” etiologies with different tissue or laboratory abnormalities, again, due to the severe limitations of conventional medical diagnostic methods. The therapeutic efforts, as the result, end up focusing exclusively on the mere tissue-organ and/or body chemistry derangements — the proverbial tip of the iceberg.

The majority of alternative medical approaches exercise conceptually similar bewildered pursuits.

16. The roots of any illness or sub-optimal health consist of aberrant cellular fields, genetic or acquired, that enslave the great majority of modern population.

These fields cannot be corrected by healthy nutrition, exercise, synthetic or natural pharmaceuticals, exotic machines or mind techniques. They can be eradicated only after their causative factors have been identified correctly with the help of Bio-resonance testing – energetic diagnostic modality – and removed with a novel application of homeopathic medicines.

A great deal of knowledge is to be exercised in their implementation or severe aggravations may follow.


The Field Control Therapy® curriculum presents integrated medical knowledge with clearly defined essential priorities in both diagnosis and treatment. FCT®‘s unique bio-resonance testing system enables the health practitioner to dissect any organ or tissue at multiple layers lest miss salient pathogenic factors behind illness while focusing him exclusively only on the key pernicious factors that are known to impose maximum destruction to homeostatic networks. At the same time, the therapeutic principles pinpoint the most effective therapeutic means for the removal of these agents and dismantling of disease states, as well as physiologic restoration.

It presents an unbiased analysis of all the major alternative and conventional medical modalities and underscores their respective benefits and limitations. As importantly, it delineates the scientific rules of integration that are aimed at extraction of maximum benefits from the given modalities while avoiding their mutual conflict.

The scientific evidence presented and skills acquired will have a radical impact on the way one views and practices Medicine as outstanding clinical results are bound to follow.

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